The nearest airport to Dhuandhar waterfall is at Jabalpur airport, just 40kms away. It is well connected from major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad etc. Thus tourists can easily take flight to Jabalpur airport and further journey is possible by taxi, from Jabalpur airport to Dhuandhar fall. We have cab service on this route.
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Dhuandhar fall is part of Bhedaghat village. Here one can reach by train option also. Nearest railway station is Bhedaghat station but due to small station, all major long distance don't have stoppage here thus not suitable for tourists. Best option is to reach Jabalpur city stations like Madan Mahal station or Garha station or Jabalpur station. Further journey is possible by tourist cabs or other local means of transports.
One can easily reach Dhuandhar fall by road journey. It is well connected by road. It is open for tourists from sunrise to sunset thus this period is appropriate for car visit. If you don't have own car or taxi cab then also you can use city bus service to reach this spot and return back to Jabalpur.
At Bhedaghat village, tourists can visit three popular spots i.e. Panchvati ghat (Boating site), Chousat Yogini Temple (at hill top) and Dhuandhar fall. All these points are just less than 1 kms from each other. At Dhuandhar fall site, you can do shopping of marble items, handicraft articles and other decorative items. If not interested in shopping, just enjoy the ropeway ride to have areal view of waterfall in which you can cross the river through ropeway and return back to same point. In this way, you can explore both sides of river with areal photography. Ropeway timing at Bhedaghat is fixed from 10:30 AM to 05:30 PM so must visit in this time. It is good for those tourists who are either short of time or want to avoid long walking to reach Dhuandhar spot like senior citizen, small children or handicap person. Ropeway ride is a paid service whose ticket charges gets revised every year. If you would like to reach close to Dhuandhar fall site by own car, then you can use VIP gate facility which allows cars to reach close to fall site, avoiding long walking but it is a paid service for which cars have to pay additional fee on per entry per vehicle basis. During monsoon season (July to September), VIP gate remains closed for visitors.
Here at Dhuandhar site, we can experience all 3 seasons i.e. winters (December to Feb), summers (Mar-June) and monsoon (July - Sept). For tourists, winter and summer time is good for visit. It is open for visitors, throughout the year but still we recommend to avoid monsoon period due to flood condition in high rainfall conditions.
Best time to visit Dhuandhar fall site is from October to April month. Due to good climatic condition, tourists can enjoy the visit.
Dhuandhar fall lies in Bhedaghat Nagar Panchayat. It is a popular small village thus hotel options are very limited. Only good hotel is MPT Marble Rocks with scenic view of Narmada river. We highly recommend to use this hotel for stay and we can offer you best discount for room booking on this hotel.
After completing the visit to Dhuandhar waterfall site, tourists have option to explore other sites of Bhedaghat like Swarg-dwari point, Panchwati ghat, Yogini temple, temples of Gopalpur village, Lamheta ghat site, Lamheta village Radha Krishna temple ruins, Muriya Math (Buddhist site) etc. We offer guided tour to cover all these points.