Read about distance chart information for Jabalpur city in Madhya Pradesh. It is hub for wildlife sector as we can find 5 most popular tiger reserves of Madhya Prades in radius of 250 kms to Jabalpur city. Due to its good flight and train connectivity, majority of tourists coming to cover popular tourist destinations like Khajuraho temples,
Panna national park, Bandhavgarh,
Kanha national park,
Pench national park, Satpura national park, Nauradehi wildlife sanctuary uses Jabalpur as their arrival and departure point. Thus for tour planning and making of itinerary, distance chart information plays improtant role. Jabalpur is surrounded by 5 popular tiger reserves of Central India which are frequently visited by wildlife photographers and nature loving tourists thus go through below given information for better tour planning of your upcoming Madhya Pradesh tour.
Here we have arranged tabular form of distance chart for Jabalpur city. In this chart we have arranged the list of popular travel destinations, surrounding to Jabalpur city. While planning for Madhya Pradesh tour package, we can check this distance chart and decide the places to cover and what will be the sequencing of destinations. Thus for planning phase, this information will be very useful for readers.
(in Kms)
(in Kms)
Jabalpur to Khajuraho |
280 |
Jabalpur to Panna National Park |
250 |
Jabalpur to Bandhavgarh |
200 |
Jabalpur to Sanjay Dubri National Park |
50 |
Jabalpur to Bhedaghat |
25 |
Jabalpur to Amarkantak |
250 |
Jabalpur to Kanha National Park (Khatia Gate) |
170 |
Jabalpur to Kanha National Park (Mukki Gate) |
220 |
Jabalpur to Pench National Park (Touria Gate) |
200 |
Jabalpur to Pench National Park (Rukhad Gate) |
170 |
Jabalpur to Pachmarhi |
250 |
Jabalpur to Satpura National Park (Madhai Gate) |
250 |
Jabalpur to Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary |
110 |
Jabapur to Chanderi |
300 |
Jabalpur to Panna National Park (Madla Gate) |
250 |
Jabalpur to Satpura National Park (MadhaiGate) |
250 |
Their are many reasons for which people visits Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. From tourism point of view, it is true that it is tiger capital of Central India. Five most popular tiger reserves are surrounding to Jabalpur city i.e. Panna tiger reserve, Bandhavgarh, Kanha tiger reserve, Pench tiger reserve and Satpura tiger reserve. In addition to this, Jabalpur is the largest city in south-east region of Madhya Pradesh with well connected airport facility thus people visiting the south-eastern region of Madhya Pradesh, prefers to reach Jabalpur and then continue by cab to surrounding places. Presence of educational institutions, universities, military base are some other reasons for visiting Jabalpur.
Here we have provided some important links to webpages within this website so that reader would be able to find his desired service details.