Here we have tried to provide surface distance chart information of Khajuraho temples site. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site thus popular tourist destination of Madhya Pradesh state in Central India. Visitors comes from different countries, different states of India, nearby cities thus distance information is often required to visit this destination. Given Khajuraho distance chart information is helpful for new visitors to plan their visit in advance and make it successful. Here we have covered distance information of surrounding tourists spots that we can visit during Khajuraho stay and also about surrounding destinations which can be covered in a tour plan of many days. In this website we have provided Madhya Pradesh Distance Charts in which we have tried to cover all important places, tourist destinations of Central India and their distance charts. Distance are provided on approximate figures, based on running calculations as per our tourist taxi cabs, while providing ground transfers to our respected guests. These distance calculation is based on popular tourist routes. Here we have covered those travel routes which are frequently used by tourists and whose distance information is most commonly inquired.
In below given table we have covered distance information of sightseeing spots and surrounding destinations of Khajuraho. While planning for Khajuraho tour, as per distance details, you can add more destinations in plan and make a meaning tour package of Madhya Pradesh state. All the distance calculation is express in kilometer unit which is popular in India.
(in Kms)
(in Kms)
Khajuraho to Panna National Park (Madla Gate) |
40 |
Khajuraho to Raneh Fall |
24 |
Khajuraho to Jabalpur |
250 |
Khajuraho to Bandhavgarh National Park |
220 |
Khajuraho to Jhansi |
200 |
Khajuraho to Orchha |
180 |
Khajuraho to Dhubela Museum |
60 |
Khajuraho to Kutni Dam |
14 |
If readers need distance chart information of other tourist destinations, then they can go through below given table of other Distance Charts links. By clicking over desired place, they will get the required information.
Here we have provided some important links to webpages within this website so that reader would be able to find his desired service details.