Here we have shared information about distance chart of Mandu destination in Madhya Pradesh. When we talk about heritage tourism sites of Madhya Pradesh tourism, then name of Mandu is promimently showcased. It is also very popular among tourists, due to
Mandu festival, held on winter season, on every year basis. This shows the importance of Mandu in heritage tourism. It is located 90 kms south-west if Indore city at western part of state. It is a small township at hill top thus visiting Mandu also gives a feel of visiting any hill station at Central India. Mandu is surrounded by many popular tourist destinations like Burhanpur, Dhar, Bagh Caves, Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar etc.
In below given table we can find guide map to know location details of Bhopal city and road connectivity from Bhopal to other tourist destinations. It is a interactive map in which we can zoom-in/out, drag and also can see satellite view. It is good to find various possible routes and make a travel plan, accordingly.
(in Kms)
(in Kms)
Mandu to Indore |
95 |
Mandu to Omkareshwar |
110 |
Mandu to Maheshwar |
50 |
Mandu to Bagh Caves |
110 |
Mandu to Hanuwantiya Island |
180 |
Mandu to Sailani Island |
110 |
Mandu to Gandhi Sagar Dam |
360 |
Mandu to Bhopal |
295 |
If readers need distance chart information of other tourist destinations, then they can go through below given table of other Distance Charts links. By clicking over desired place, they will get the required information.
Here we have provided some important links to webpages within this website so that reader would be able to find his desired service details.