Here we will try to understand why we call this forest with the name of Bandhavgarh ? What is the meaning of Bandhavgarh and why it is named Bandhavgarh and not other name. Reading this information will make you feel as if you are better connected with this region, not in terms of wildlife but in terms of its rich history. This region is still under-discovered and whenever archeological team visits and do some research, some new facts emerges and introduced to Bandhavgarh. As per available information, we can say that history of Bandhavgarh is more than 2000 years old. Different rulers controlled this region and left some mark but when we discuss about Bandhavgarh history, we talk about its popular history, associated with Baghel dynasty because previous history was not well documented.
There are few definitions which are mostly found in many websites with information that Bandhavgarh is combination of 2 hindi language words "Bandhav" and "Garh". Here Bandhav means brother and garh means fort thus collectively it is understood as borther's fort. It is also linked with Ramayana period with diety that while returning from Lanka to Ayodhya, lord Rama took stoppage at this hill and gifted the fort to his younger brother lord Laxmana thus named as borther's fort.
Other version is slightly different from popular version but close to some visible facts. Considering meaning of Bandhav as brother is its narrow definition. Actually Bandhav word refers to collectiono family members thus it should not be limit into one relative but should be taken in wider sense. At Bandhavdheesh temple, we will find statues of lord Rama, lord Laxmana and godess Sita. Simple meaning of Bandhavdheesh is "Lords of Bandhavgarh". Thus Rama, Laxmana ans Sita are the declared lords of Bandhavgarh and this makes us conclude that instead of calling is brother's fort, we should call it a relative's fort or a family fort. Some other facts also support this fact. When we visit the hill-top and see all the monuments, we will notice that the base height of Bandhavdheesh temple is higher than any other present monument. It must also be comparatively higher than the base of Moti Mahal, whose ruins are still present. This also shows that the lord Rama, Laxmana and Sita's position was supreme and thus they were declared lords of Bandhavgarh and rulers presented themselves as representative of lords who will manage the daily affairs of the kingdom.