Madhya Pradesh lies in Central of India. It geographically located on Highlands of Central India and Deccan trap. Here two major mountain ranges are Vindhyan range and Satpura range. They have many other subsidiary mountain ranges, covering vast land area. Major wildlife of Madhya Prades is conserved in natural forest, spread over these mountain ranges and river valleys. The location and physiographic conditions of state, greately influence its climatic characteristics. As per geographical condition, we can broadly divide the state into three sections i.e Northern Madhya Pradesh, South-East Madhya Pradesh and South-West Madhya Pradesh. Here Northern Madhya Pradesh is more rocky and arid region and comes under Bundelkhand region. Where as South-West Madhya Pradesh is located on Malwa plateau thus it is comparatively more flat with few hilly regions. Lastly South-East Madhya Pradesh comes where we can find good presence of mountain ranges thus major forest areas are located on this region. When it comes to Flora & Fauna of Madhya Pradesh, we can say that South-East region is rich in wildlife. Other two regions are also having presence of wildlife but comparatively less.
Here in Madhya Pradesh, we can find four major forest types i.e. Trophical Dry forest, Trophical Thorn forest, Sub-trophical Broad hill-forest and Trophical Moist forest. major concentration of Floral and Faunal species in its forest region i.e. tiger reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, reserve forests. In Satpura mountain ranges, we can find wildlife destinations like Kanha tiger reserve, Pench tiger reserve, Satpura tiger reserve etc. Where as in Vindhya range, we can find Bandhavgarh tiger reserve, Panna tiger reserve, Sanjay Dubri tiger reserve etc. As per report of Zoological Survey of India, which includes the complete list of 1421 species of animals, related to 30 groups ranging from Protozoa to Mammalia. This includes 737 species of invertebrates. As this data is collected till year 2000 thus it covers Chattisgarh forests also. Some of the major faunal species and their approx. count is:
S.No | Group | Count |
1 | Annelida | 4 |
2 | Scorpiones | 2 |
3 | Solifugae | 2 |
4 | Opiliones | 1 |
5 | Araneae (Spiders) | 64 |
6 | Prostigmata (Plant mites of Tetranychidae family) | 12 |
7 | Mesostigmata (Plant mites of Phytoseidae) | 3 |
8 | Crustacea (includes Ostracodes) | 12 |
9 | Odonata (includes: Drangonflies, damselfies) | 38 |
10 | Plecoptera (includes: Stoneflies of family Perlidae) | 1 |
11 | Orthoptera (includes: Grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, mole crickets and grouse locusts) | 71 |
12 | Phasmida (includes:Leaf and stick insects) | 1 |
13 | Dermaptera(includes: Earwigs) | 11 |
14 | Dictyoptera(includes: Cockroaches) | 12 |
15 | Mantodea(includes: Carnivore insects called Praying mantids) | 1 |
16 | Isoptera(includes: Termites) | 20 |
17 | Mallophaga(includes:Ectoparasites of birds and mammals) | 1 |
18 | Hemiptera(includes: small & medium sized true bugs) | 43 |
19 | Thusanoptera(includes:small insects called thrips) | 1 |
20 | Coleoptera(includes:Beetles) | 170 |
21 | Siphonoptera (includes:wingless insects with piercing & sucking type mouth parts) | 1 |
22 | Diptera (includes:mosquitoes, midges and flies) | 33 |
23 | Lepidoptera (includes:small & large size insects like Butterflies, moths etc.) | 193 |
24 | Hymenoptera (includes:small & large size insects with 2 pairs of veined or veinless wings or wingless) | 14 |
25 | Mollusca (includes:soft-bodies animals like snails, mussells, slugs etc.) | 26 |
26 | Freshwater Fishes | 96 |
27 | Amphibia | 10 |
28 | Reptilia | 50 |
29 | Birds | 442 |
30 | Mammals | 86 |
- | TOTAL | 1421 |